It’s not just Good…it’s Good Business!
Project RELO is a Veterans services 501c3 organization that enables organizations to realize a competitive advantage by hiring US Military Veterans. We work with employers to ensure they are maximizing their hiring investments, while also working with applicants and employees to solidify their preparation, on-boarding and career trajectories.
Together, this combination changes the accepted paradigm of hiring US Veterans simply because it is the right thing to do, to hiring Veterans because it is a strategic business imperative.
How do companies benefit from Project RELO?
Hiring is about creating a strategic advantage for your company, but the accepted hiring process most often depends upon college degrees and resumes, which can make it difficult to identify dedicated, loyal, focused, and mission-centric talent that will bring competitive advantage to the team from day one. By learning about the challenges military veterans are skilled at overcoming, and how to successfully integrate their integrity and qualitative traits into an organization, companies can avoid the pitfalls of hiring the wrong talent while significantly reducing ramp-up timeframes.

How do veterans benefit from Project RELO?
Finding a job is easy; finding a lasting career is not. At Project RELO, we help Veterans find careers that are a fit for what they want, need, and desire, and we align that with companies who are looking for the skills Veterans can bring to the table. We don't recommend that Veterans accept a job unless it’s a great fit, and we walk side by side with Veterans as they take on their new roles, providing mentoring and coaching to ensure success.
"Hiring a veteran is more
than a social good, it is
good business."